True20 Freeport: The Lost Island (PDF)

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True20 Freeport: The Lost Island (PDF)
A Fantasy Adventure for Characters Level 3-5
Author: Walt Ciechanowski
Format: 64 page, fully-bookmarked, searchable PDF
ISBN-10: 1-934547-22-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-934547-22-9

Freeport began with the classic adventure Death in Freeport and now it returns to those roots with new adventures for True20 Adventure Roleplaying. The series kicks off with a bang with The Lost Island. This adventure takes the heroes from the streets of Freeport on a dangerous voyage through uncharted waters to a mysterious island. What's there and who wants it? Who is a friend and who is an enemy? Find out in The Lost Island!

SKU: grr1908e

Tags: Adventures, Freeport, PDFs, SuperMegaBlowout2023, True20


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