Danger Zones


Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition RulesDanger Zones
A Mutants & Masterminds Sourcebook
By Duana Byrd, Robin Fields, Crystal Frasier, Steve Kenson, Bridget Renoux, Matthew Rossi, Katherine Schuttler, Alexander Thomas, Matthew Whitehouse, and Jordan Wyn
Cover Artist: Conceptopolis
Back Cover Art: Alberto Foche and Denis Medri
Cartography: Sean MacDonald & Crystal Frasier
Interior Art: Darren Calvert, Jeff Carlilse, Storn Cook, Gene DeCicco, Alberto Foche,
Chiaria de Franchia, Sean Izaakse, Denis Medri, Domenico Nezitti, Octographics.
Uko Smith, and Craig Taillifer

Format: 174-page, full-color, softback book


Shovin' into overdrive!

Atop a rushing subway car, trapped in a raging apartment fire, crushed beneath the animated oaks of a possessed parkland, su­perheroes face as much danger from the world around them as they do from their most nefarious villains.

Danger Zones helps you bring your world alive by describing over thirty different urban backdrops for superheroic action, from the classic warehouse to the neighborhood coffee shop to the hospital they’ll need to recover in when the adventure is done. Every location includes a map, as well as useful information on how to use that set­ting’s unique features in a cunning plot or superhero slugfest.

To help populate your urban jungle, Danger Zones also provides a catalog of colorful characters, ready to come alive in your Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition campaign!

Heroes, get ready for danger!



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Table of Contents

Danger Zones Table of Contents

SKU: GRR5521
ISBN: 9781949160260

Tags: Danger Zones, M&M, Mutants & Masterminds, Print, Settings, Sourcebooks, supplement


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