Tales of Freeport: Dark Currents (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
Tales of Freeport: Dark Currents (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
Tales of Freeport: Dark Currents
Short Fiction From Green Ronin's World of Freeport
Authors:Â Anthony Pryor, Dylan Birtolo, Richard C. Wright
Format: 46 page bookmarked PDF, .mobi, and .epub files suitable for use with electronic book reader apps
Dark Currents
For those who did not pick up these Freeport short stories individually, Dark Currents collects "My Night In Freeport" by Anthony Pryor, "Unlikely Tides" by Dylan Birtolo, and "In the Shadows" by Richard C. White.
"My Night In Freeport"
A naive cabin boy goes ashore in Freeport for the first time, and learns important lessons about life in the big city, why attention to proper knot lore matters, and about the sailors’ code.
"Unlikely Tides"
A new ship's crew of unusual composition tacks against the wind to establish their places on the seas and in Freeport: The City of Adventure.
"In the Shadows"
A crew docks in the City of Adventure, ready to carouse with their newly-won booty. But one swabby has a much darker purpose...
About Nisaba Press
Nisaba Press is Green Ronin's fiction imprint. Nisaba publishes novels, anthologies, and short fiction tied to the rich and varied worlds of Green Ronin’s tabletop roleplaying properties. Current plans include stories of swashbuckling horror in the fantasy world of Freeport: City of Adventure, tales set in the romantic fantasy world of Aldea from the Blue Rose Roleplaying Game, superheroic adventures set in the world of Earth-Prime from Mutants & Masterminds, and chronicles of fantasy survival-horror in the world of The Lost Citadel.
About Green Ronin
Since the year 2000, Seattle-based Green Ronin has been dedicated to the art of creating great games. Over the years, we’ve published a wide array of RPGs including fan favorites such as: Mutants & Masterminds, Dragon Age, and A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying. Having won over forty awards for excellence, including a three-year run of taking home the prestigious ENnie Award for Best Publisher, we’ve not just established a reputation for quality and innovation, we’re defined by it.