Holy Warrior's Handbook (PDF)
Holy Warrior's Handbook (PDF)
A rules supplement for 3rd Era games
Version 3.5 rules-compatible
The holy warrior expands the paladin archetype, giving players and GMs the means to create divine champions of any patron god—not just the lawful good ones. A holy warrior is functionally similar to a paladin, but may swap the traditional class features for ones more appropriate to his heavenly patron.
Armed with the Holy Warrior's Handbook, divine heroes have more options that ever before. So be firm in your faith, take up sword and shield, and wage war against evil in the name of your holy master!
Holy Warrior's Handbook is a version 3.5 revision of the Holy Warrior core class originally published in Green Ronin Publishing's Book of the Righteous.
SKU: grr9014e
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