Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License

Super-Powered by M&M Trademark LicenseIf you want to publish your own Mutants & Masterminds material, you can take advantage of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License. This is a free license that must be used in conjunction with the Open Game License. As long as you use both licenses properly, you can publish your own adventures, settings, and characters using the M&M 3rd Edition rules. This page includes links to the license itself [PDF], a FAQ [PDF], and a hi-res version of the Super-Powered by M&M logo.

Super-Powered by M&M replaces our previous licensing program, M&M Superlink.


Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License

Version 1.1

By returning a signed copy of this License, the Licensee (“You”) accept to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

1. Copyright & Trademark

Green Ronin Publishing retains title and ownership of the Super-Powered by M&M trademark, its associated logo, and all other trademarks and copyrights in the Mutants & Masterminds line of game books.

2. License to Use

If You have ever been found to be in violation of Green Ronin’s M&M Superlink license, you cannot use the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License. As long as this provision does not apply, You are hereby granted the non-transferable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, royalty-free license to use the Super-Powered by M&M trademark and logo (the Licensed Articles) in accordance with the conditions specified in the current version of this License. You must use this License in conjunction with the Open Game License and You must comply with all of that license’s terms as well (including, but not limited to, proper crediting of the Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook in the Section 15 of Your Licensed products).

3. Product Language

You must include the following language on the credits page of any product using this License: “Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).” You must also include the following language on the front cover: “Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.” If you are releasing material in a language other than English and there is a licensed version of the Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook in that language, you must use the same terminology as the licensed rulebook.

4. Product Limitations

This License can only be used to create printed book and PDF products. If You use this License, You cannot make a stand-alone roleplaying game. All Licensed products must require the use of the Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook. The title of Licensed products may not include Mutants & Masterminds, Mutant(s), Mastermind(s), or M&M. No product using this License can be released before February 1, 2011.

5. Agreement Not to Contest

By making use of and/or distributing material using the Super-Powered by M&M trademark under the terms of this License, You agree not to contest the ownership of the Licensed Articles.

6. Quality Standards

The nature of all material You use or distribute that incorporates the Licensed Articles must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those of the Open Game License. You must use Your best efforts to preserve the high standard and goodwill of the Licensed Trademarks. In order to assure the foregoing standard and quality requirements, Green Ronin Publishing shall have the right, upon notice to You, to review and inspect all material released by You that uses the Licensed Articles. You shall fully cooperate with Green Ronin Publishing to facilitate such review and inspection, including timely provision of copies of all such materials to Green Ronin Publishing. Green Ronin Publishing may terminate this License immediately upon attempted notice to You if it deems, in its sole discretion, that Your use of the Licensed Articles does not meet the above standards.

7. Termination for Breach

In the event that You fail to comply with the terms of this License, You will be considered to be in breach of this License. Green Ronin Publishing will attempt to notify You in writing by sending a letter to the address listed on submitted License. Except as otherwise specified herein, You will have 30 days from the date of the notice (the “cure period”) to cure the breach to the satisfaction of Green Ronin Publishing. If no signed License is on file, You will be considered to be in breach of this License immediately. If, at the end of the cure period, the breach is not cured, Green Ronin Publishing may terminate this License without further written notice to You.

8. Effects of Termination

Upon termination, You shall immediately stop all use of the Licensed Articles and will destroy any inventory or marketing material in Your possession bearing the Super-Powered by M&M trademark logo. You will remove any use of the Super-Powered by M&M trademark logo from your advertising, web site, letterhead, or any other use. You must instruct any company or individual that You are or become aware of who is in possession of any materials distributed by You bearing the Super-Powered by M&M trademark logo to destroy those materials. You will solely bear any costs related to carrying out this term of the License. In Green Ronin’s sole discretion, Green Ronin may allow You to continue to use the License for Licensed Articles which otherwise comply with the terms of the License.

9. Penalty for Failure to Comply with Termination Instructions

If You fail to comply with the Effects of Termination, Green Ronin Publishing may, at its option, pursue litigation, for which You shall be responsible for all legal costs, against You to the full extent of the law for breach of contract, copyright and trademark infringement, damages and any other remedy available.

10. Updates

Green Ronin Publishing may issue updates and/or new releases of the Super-Powered by M&M trademark logo without prior notice. You will, at the earliest possible opportunity, update all material distributed by You to use the updated and/or new version of the Super-Powered by M&M trademark logo. You may continue to distribute any pre-existing material that bears an older version of the Super-Powered by M&M trademark logo.

11. Changes to Terms of the License

Green Ronin Publishing may issue updates and/or revisions to this License without prior notice. You will conform in all respects to the updated or revised terms of this License. Subsequent versions of this License will bear a different version number.

12. Notices to Licensor

You must submit a signed License to Green Ronin Publishing. You should also send any changes of address. You may, at your option, send a copy of any printed products released under to license to Green Ronin for its product library. All articles should be mailed to the following address:

Green Ronin Publishing
3815 S. Othello St. Suite 100, #311
Seattle, WA 98118, USA

13. No Maintenance or Support

Green Ronin Publishing shall have no obligation whatsoever to provide You with any kind of maintenance or support in relation to the Super-Powered by M&M trademark logo.

14. No Warranty / Disclaimer


Licensee Information

You must provide the following information and sign where indicated before sending the License to Green Ronin Publishing.

Company Name:

Mailing Address:

Phone Number:

E-mail Address:

Company Owner/Executive:

Owner/Executive Signature:




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