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Advanced Race Codex: Elves (PDF)

Advanced Race Codex: Elves (PDF)

Green Ronin Publishing

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Advanced Race Codex: Humans (PDF)
An Advanced Rulebook for 3rd Era Games
By Jesse Decker and Robert J. Schwalb
Format: 45 page PDF
A 2.4 MB Download
Version 3.5 rules-compatible

Elves a bit dull? Dwarves tired? Humans bland? Halflings no longer any fun?

What you need are the Advanced Race Codex PDFs from Green Ronin Publishing. These e-books enhance and expand your options, bringing new tricks, abilities, and tools to make character races more than just a collection of skill bonuses and abilities. Drawn from the very best of Green Ronin's Races of Renown series, the Advanced Race Codex series compiles and revises all of your favorite races.

Advanced Race Codex: Elves contains all the info you need to make the best of elves in your fantasy d20 System games. Loaded with feats, spells, prestige classes, subraces, and much more, your d20 games are guaranteed to go into overdrive. Inside, you'll find:

  • Extensive details on all the various elven subraces including the cunning bamboo elves
  • New elf concepts such as the ancestors and faerie to represent classic elven concepts
  • Supporting mechanics including over 20 feats and 2 prestige classes, such as Clash of Blades and the Wildsinger
  • More than 20 elf-oriented spells including hail of arrows and spellbraid
  • Extensive details on elven equipment, describing armor, ammunition, alchemical items and more

Advanced Race Codex: Elves adds flavor, texture, and inspiration to one of fantasy's classic races.


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