Adventures in Aldea: The Sixth Beast (A Blue Rose PDF)


PDF FormatThe Sixth Beast (PDF)
An Adventure in Aldea for the Blue Rose RPG
By Malcolm Sheppard
Art: Claudia Iannaciello, David Keen, Olga Drebas,
Priscilla Kim, Johnny Morrow, Mirco Paganessi, & Steve Wood
Cartography: Phillip Lienau
Format: 23 page full-color PDF 

The Sixth Beast: The Trebutane fled the tyranny of Kern for the northerly reaches of the Pavin Weald. But now, they are prey to others: The bandits known as the Five Beast Army prey on the reclusive Trebutane. Can the heroes sent by the Crown uncover and resolve the deep conflicts at play here? An adventure for 4 to 6 heroes of levels 1–4.

NOTE: The Sixth Beast also appears in the adventure collection Six of Swords, available for purchase separately.

About Adventures in Aldea

Regularly released, Adventures in Aldea offer action, intrigue, and mystery in the world of Blue Rose, the AGE Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy. All across the land, heroes are needed—adventure awaits!  

SKU: GRR96502e

Tags: Adventure, Adventure Game Engine (AGE), Adventures, Blue Rose, PDFs, Romantic Fantasy


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