Iron Age: Vigilantes & Villains (PDF)
Iron Age: Vigilantes & Villains provides GMs of Freedom City games set during the city's Iron Age with statistics and expanded backgrounds on ten of the era's most notorious villains and vigilantes. Note that this supplement is written to coincide with the time frame of the Freedom City chapter of Iron Age. As a result, a number of the individuals in this supplement are listed as no longer active (okay, they're dead) by this time. Don't let that deter you from using them! It's your game, after all.
Most of the villains and vigilantes make use of the Attack/Defense trade-off rule to adjust maximum attack, defense, damage, and Toughness save bonuses. Skills are listed with the number of ranks after the skill name and the total skill bonus listed in parenthesis. For example: Bluff 5 (+8), means the character has 5 ranks of Bluff and a total bonus of +8 when making Bluff checks.
SKU: grr9022e
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