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Rogues Gallery: Kathryn the Red (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Kathryn the Red (PDF)

Green Ronin Publishing

Regular price $1.95 USD
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Rogues Gallery … villains galore! Each Rogues Gallery entry includes a complete super-villain profile and character sheet with Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition game information. It also includes the villain's background and various adventure hooks to use the character in your own game. Each entry is illustrated and, as a bonus, includes the villain's game information in Hero Lab format, so you can import it right into the character management software and use it in your game (or modify it as needed) right away. Where else can you get a super-villain for less than the price of a cup of coffee? It’s positively criminal!

Kathryn the Red

Mystery, New Hampshire has a legend about a headless horsewoman known as Kathryn the Red. She’s a spirit of vengeance from the time of the American Revolution that can be summoned to carry out revenge by anyone willing to pay her price. But she also returns on her own from time to time in order to hunt down seemingly random people. Can she ever be stopped?


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